Finding a unique way to connect with your community while raising funds for your organization can be challenging. You want people to have a one-of-a-kind item they will always associate with your memorable location.
Fortunately, a commission project is the perfect way for you to have unique prints to sell. They make a great fundraiser for nonprofits or a fun way for businesses to connect with their communities through art. Fill out the contact form below for information. Below the form is an outline of my process and some other basic info.

These prints were created for the historic Wistariahurst Museum in Holyoke, Massachusetts. By selling prints from these limited editions in their gift shop, they had a unique way to raise funds for the museum.
Henry Clay Estate in Lexington, Kentucky
Mary Todd Lincoln House, also in Lexington

Once we agree on a timeline, general creative direction, and the number of prints you'll receive, I'll send a contract. I'll begin work as soon as I receive the signed contract, 50% deposit, and any images necessary for photo reference.
Then, I get down to drawing, carving, and printing. The time it will take depends on the level of detail, so we'll work out a deadline early in the process.
Upon receiving the prints, they are yours to sell at whatever price you want (this is typically at least twice as much as the per-print amount paid). To increase the value, you'll have the option to get your prints in a signed and numbered limited edition.

Upon project completion and final payment, clients have full ownership of prints / design files and rights to use as they deem necessary. I retain rights for portfolio purposes only. Any additional prints I create from the project block will be altered so as to stay outside of the client's edition.
Right to refusal
I hope to conduct business with all interested clients. However, it is my prerogative to refuse any project that would endorse positions that conflict with my convictions or otherwise reflect poorly on my business. If time constraints prevent me from taking on a project, I will try to refer you to another artist who may be able to meet your needs.